Sunday, November 25, 2012

Science Limericks

As Thanksgiving weekend draws to a close, I’m thankful for family and friends, for the fact I can make a career out of songwriting, for improv lessons, for a new residency starting Monday at Sangre Ridge, and for readers of this blog - particularly the reader who isn’t a web-crawling robot. You know who you are. Thank you!

Running short on time this week, I dug into my archives to see what I might have to share. Here are four limericks I wrote about science. Kids if you don’t get the chemistry one, your parents will explain. Someday.

Cosmic Controversy

Once Pluto was known as a planet
But IAU voted to ban it
The scientists found
Their decision was sound
Still the critics are happy to pan it!

Ho Hum Mums

There once was a love-smitten botanist 
Whose girlfriend was really the rottenest
The blooms he designed her
Were one of a kind. Her
Response: All these plants are monotonous!

Negative Chemistry

A chemist out cruising for action
Was hard-pressed to stir a reaction
Till he said to a blonde
Let's co-valently bond
Now the poor man is strung up in traction!

I may only be a beginner
But this theory of mine is a winner
Brontosaurus is thin
When you start at one end
Then gets thick in the middle, then thinner

Let me know what you think. Post your own! 


  1. Hah, I know that last one from the Python sketch. :D That gets cited a lot in this household...the whole "I have a theory and it is mine and it is my theory" prelude to the same statement.

    Ah there it is! * hugs internet *

  2. I'll make the Monty Python video a clickable link above so folks can check it out more easily.
